Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Proper Perspective - January 15, 2011

Good Saturday morning! Welcome to the weekend and give God the glory for this lovely day! Have you ever woke up praising God and come to realize that you are writing, speaking, or singing a psalm? Not one from the Bible, but one in your own words. I believe the Spirit within us cries out songs of adoration to God the Father constantly. Getting in tune with that song of praise gives each of us a song of joy and adoration in our hearts. Does that make any sense at all? Probably not by the world's measure of good sense, but we know that our spiritual song is there within us.

The Proper Perspective

Today, think of a tall building that you have visited or worked in. A 30 to 40 foot tall building will do, just one tall enough so that you have to crane your neck all the way back to see the top when you are standing at the base. Now imagine an ocean wave that tall as you are standing on a sandy beach with nothing but an enormous rock of solid granite at your back. You have no place to run, the sand is already being sucked out into the approaching wave. You know that swimming to the top of this wave that the evil world has thrown at you is out of the question. Surely you will be dashed and smashed against the rocks and drowned. The enormous wave is full of boulders, sharks, spiny plants uprooted from the ocean floor, ugly tentacled things, bloodsucking leeches, and all manner of unimaginable junk. Surely your life as you know it is at an end. That wave is the cares, responsibilities, busyness, and tragedy of the world all thrown at you in one big wave. You would cower in abject fear of this wave but for one small problem: You have the wrong perspective on it.

In Christ, we don't stand on the beach in front of that terrible wave, we stand up on the rock that we so often tend to look away from. That rock is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. From on top of the rock now, you look to your side and see a small lighthouse standing there. A beautiful lighthouse standing in the morning sun with an enormous lamp at its top(enormous is the word of the day). Your job is to tend that lamp spreading the light of Christ to the world. But before you go to light that lamp, you take a look out toward the dark ocean that is the world and you see that wave. Now from the top of the Rock, you realize that the overwhelming wave you saw before does not look so tall or even overwhelming as before. Jesus has now given you the proper perspective. The wave that looked so large from the beach dashes itself harmlessly against the foot of the Rock far below. You have been lifted up. More waves will come, some smaller and some larger, as the world and its prince hurl assaults against you. Alone you would have no chance, but on top of the Rock your only duty is to light that lamp for Christ.

Have a wonderful Saturday,

Your friend in Christ,


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